Opt-Out Form

Opt Out Form

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If you are a member of the Michigan Education Association (MEA), you can email your letter to resignation@mea.org or mail it to Michigan Education Association, P.O. Box 51, East Lansing, MI 48826

Union Name and Address:

To whom it may concern:

I am a worker in the collective bargaining unit. With this letter, I am immediately and permanently exercising my rights under the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Janus v AFSCME by terminating my membership in the union and all its affiliates. I am also revoking any previous dues authorization, check off, or continuing membership form that I may have signed. I understand that I may rejoin at a later time if I believe that membership is in my best interests.

If you refuse to accept my resignation at this time and/or refuse to cease charging me dues and/or fees, I request that you hold this letter until such time as you believe that I can resign effectively and honor this letter and my resignation and revocation request at that time. If you refuse to accept my resignation at this time and/or refuse to cease charging dues and/or fees, please inform me of the reason or reasons why I cannot resign immediately, and the date(s) at which you believe I can effectively resign, along with any further steps that are necessary. If there is a "window" period during which I can resign or revoke any withholding authorizations or checkoffs, please send me a copy of all controlling documents which state what this window period is for me, such as any bylaws, checkoff cards and/or authorizations.



Signature: __________________  Date: ____________________

, MI